I, {name}, understand and fully agree with each of the following conditions associated with applying for and receiving funding through Workforce Financial Assistance (FANTIC):
1. ACCOUNTABILITY: I have accurately and truthfully completed this application for Workforce Financial Assistance and have been evaluated/disqualified for all other forms of financial assistance, including, but not limited to, WIOA Funding. Failure to fully disclose information or false statements/information will disqualify me (the applicant) from consideration. Only fully complete applications will be reviewed and considered for funding.
2. GOAL OF FANTIC FUNDING: I understand the purpose of this funding is to financially assist me in gaining the knowledge AND the applicable industry-recognized credential or licensure. Seeking the applicable credential or licensure, whether it is incorporated into my program or requires me to obtain the certification at additional cost to the applicant, is an expectation for accepting these funds.
3. COVERED COSTS: I understand that Workforce Financial Assistance (FANTIC or G3) will cover 1/3 of the total tuition (student portion) of the FastForward program. Any additional costs required for credential/license attainment not included in the program's cost are solely my expense.
4. ATTENDANCE: I understand my obligation to attend all scheduled classes, as absences may compromise my success and ability to acquire the necessary information/training/preparation for certification. I will commit to successfully meeting the requirements to complete all class and program requirements and will promptly seek the related credentials.
5. FAILURE TO COMPLETE: I understand that as part of the FastForward expectation, if I fail to complete the class successfully, I will be responsible for paying an additional (second) 1/3 of the total cost of my program; however, I will not be required to pay back the first (FANTIC-funded) third. I understand that if I fail to complete a funded program, I am ineligible for additional awards.
6. CREDENTIAL SUBMISSION: I understand that once I successfully obtain my industry credential/license, I must present validation documentation to the NOVA Workforce Office or advise that I was unsuccessful in obtaining the related certification. I will provide documentation of the credential or licensure within 90 days of completing the NOVA Workforce program.
7. INFORMATION SHARING: I understand that NOVA Workforce may share my information with other supporting agencies.
8. COMMUNICATION & RESPONSIVENESS: I agree to monitor my email regularly and respond promptly to requests for information related to this agreement or the FastForward program if contacted before, during, or after the class. I also agree to provide NOVA Workforce with a current daytime phone number and email.
9. REFUND POLICY: I agree to NOVA Workforce's refund policy, which requires four calendar days' written notice prior to the start of the class. I understand that I am financially responsible for all FastForward financial obligations, including repayment of the second 1/3 of the program's cost, should I fail to complete it.