Fairfax City residents and employees of Fairfax City businesses can now enroll in select FastForward programs at no cost through Upskill Fairfax City, a new tuition assistance program from Fairfax City Economic Development and Northern Virginia Community College.
Visit https://www.nvcc.edu/academics/workforce/upskill-fairfax-city.html for more information.
Please read and complete this form in its entirety. Once eligibility is verified, NOVA Workforce staff will contact and enroll you in the selected class.
You are not enrolled until you receive confirmation from a NOVA Workforce staff member.
Funding is limited and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. If you qualify for Workforce Financial Assistance (FANTIC), you will be asked to apply for FANTIC first before using Upskill Fairfax City Tuition Assistance.
Questions? Please email NOVA Workforce at NOVAWorkforceAnswers@nvcc.edu.